Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me
"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Elder McCade Tracy

January 5, 2015 at 12:47:56 PM

My New Years was great! Thankfully I was able to get to sleep on New Years Eve and we were able to stay warm during the majority of the day, it'll get colder this week :) I still can't believe that Elle is driving now! That makes me feel so old, it'll be fun to drive with her and help her learn a lot of things.
Haha :) I wasn't looking forward to working after Christmas either, but somehow we were able to work and get some stuff done. I can't believe that Seth is home now and Colton and Brandon are not far behind them!  It's just a short 8 weeks until I'm home again. Honestly, it's a little tough to stay focused, but with the progress of James and Karen, it helps me to work as much as I can with what we're given here in Evansville. Karen thought that the 17th was a Sunday, and the Stake wants to have baptisms on Sundays, so we talked with her, and Karen was all for moving her date to the 18th, so we've got both of them set for the 18th now!  They're both living the Word of Wisdom fully, and President Brough is coming to interview Karen on the 8th. That's really about it right now in the area. We're going through the area and organizing it all, making sure that we know who is in each area so we can be as effective as possible, if everything falls through. I will definitely keep you updated with all the progress of the investigators that we have. Thanks for keeping me updated with Elle and her volleyball tournaments. LaDonna hasn't responded to us since New Year's Eve, and we've been window checked a couple times, so we're dropping her for now.
There aren't really any new investigators that are really progressing right now.  Our main focus is on James and Karen, although there may be a few people that we could add to the pool after a few things happen this week.  Ok, I will be looking for it in the mail when we check it.
High- Having Karen stay so strong living the Word of Wisdom.  We gave her a blessing last week and it really helped her through a few trials that she has faced recently.  It's been great to see the progress with James and his willingness to follow the Word of Wisdom, things are gonna happen and it's gonna be great!
Low - Having to drop a few people and just not being able to talk with as many people as we would like to due to the weather and not many people being outside any more.
We had some really spiritual lessons with Karen and James this past week which really helped make up for the lack of teaching this last week. We're planting seeds with many people that we talk to and pass by on the street, there is still a lot to do here in the area and the work will never stop. That's good to hear about the rooms and the truck, just let me know when my input is needed :)  I know that I've got a lot to do, and I'm doing everything in my power to keep my head up and focus on the work here. I know it's possible. Thank you for your love and support! Love you and miss you!
Love your Son and Missionary,
Elder McCade Tracy

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