"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Elder Justin Thiel
July 20, 2014
Man this week has been pretty good. We had an awesome lesson this week with Anna and her sister! We watched "Special Witnesses of Christ," with her and talked about living apostles and prophets. At the end of the lesson we bore powerful testimony and after the lesson, Anna said "I want to be able to say that I know that this is true just like you guys, and I think that the path that I'm on will lead me to that." That was super exciting for us, but, she didn't end up coming to church this week. We also had a lesson with a man who has been named an eternal investigator ( someone who will keep investigating the church but will not join). We also watched "Special Witnesses of Christ," with him and after the lesson we began to ask him some questions. We found out that he had been going to church for 3 years straight, but what we got out of it is the biggest reason that he hasn't joined the church is because of sweet tea. He doesn't want to give it up, but he would if he found a replacement. There is a man in the ward who had that same problem so we will be taking him with us to we can resolve his concern and just get him baptized so he can go to the temple. We had a lesson with a woman named Esther. She is about 70 (we think anyways) and we have been teaching her for a couple of weeks now. She has never been baptized and the reason for that is because she is afraid of the water.. me and Elder Hunsicker will help her get over that! We are going to try and do more finding this week to find some more great investigators.
Around the end of the week, some of the members of the ward took us out to dinner. On Friday, we went to this southern barbecue place which had all you can eat ribs, so we of course all got that! We had a little contest to see who could eat the most and I won!! haha. It was delicious! On Saturday, after my eye doctor appointment, the member that took us to Macon, also took us out to eat at Ihop, and then later that day the Ramsey family (one of our recent converts) took us to an all you can eat Chinese buffet. Needless to say, that we ate way too much food this week and by the end, I was sick of going to restaurants, but I am grateful that they fed us! On Sunday, we ate at another members house and we had some grilled salmon. It was my second time eating fish and I have decided that I don't really like it. It just has like a fishy taste to the meat that I don't like.
We found out that I-pads are going to be officially released to all of the missions in the United States and that they estimate that all will have them before the end of the year. They have also given out the cost of them and it's $400.. that was more then I expected it to be, so please make sure that you guys are able to do that. We don't know when they will be available to us. The things that will be available to us when we have I-pads are amazing though. They will be a big help to missionary work.
I hope that you all have a great week! I will keep dad in my prayers as well as the rest of you!
Elder Thiel
For those of you interested in viewing the video mentioned above, "Special Witnesses of Christ,"
please go to:
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