Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me
"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sister Sydney Burningham

Sister Burningham and Sydney Ramey

Hey Hey Hey Everyone,
Seriously this week FLEW by.  As do all the weeks.  I can hardly believe I've been out almost 6 months.  That is not true, it can't be true.  I love every single minute I am out here and I can hardly believe the time passes as fast as it does.  Just to update you on the work here in Kingsport Tennessee.... Sydney Ramey got baptized on July the 6th at 1:00 p.m. I don't know if you can tell but I pretty much am really pumped about it because it is the first person that has been baptized that I have taught start to finish and had the privilege to witness the actual baptism.  She is incredible.  Her dad actually came to the baptism but he doesn't like Mormons that much.  The good news is that he was reading the Book of Mormon and took one with him, he is not supportive yet but he will be when he opens his heart open a little.
GREAT story for you.  So we have been randomly contacting people on the ward list that we need to find out if they've moved or where they are or if they're interested.  We went to Tonya Hatchers first.  The first thing she said to us was "Joseph Smith is not all y'all think he is."  then she told us she wanted her records removed from the church.  It broke my heart and I didn't think it would make me as sad as it did.  I just want people to realize that those thoughts and feelings are Satan and he works so hard against that which is good.  It was hard, but then we went to Susan Girgis's house.  I think she's insane.  She just kept saying words..and words..and more words.  She asked us if we had ever seen evil.. we said yes it's all around us and she looked into our souls with her piercing eyes and said ".. No.. REAL evil..." we got kind of scared then she said she was 50% christian and 50% muslim and that Joseph Smith AND Mohammad are both prophets..equally.  We will work with her she wants us to come back and we are going to try to get her on the right track.  She's just been away from church for too long.  Haha, anyway funny stuff.  I LOVE TENNESSEE.
Sister Bedke is awesome, we laugh all the time.  That seems to be the theme of my companionships is laughing, I think the Elders think we're crazy sometimes but you have to learn to laugh and make missionary work fun.  I love meeting people and seeing them as they can become. 
Something I learned this week is to be an example.  This ward is amazing, they are just welcoming Sydney in with open arms and it has been incredible to see the work progress here since they are all just into it. 
Something I love: "Bear your testimony always and if necessary, use words."
I bore my testimony for the first time in this ward on Sunday, the spirit was so strong, Sydney had just received the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Beth was there, she is going to get baptized in Atlanta when her husband gets used to the idea and I looked at her and just lost it.  I have grown to love these people so much, it is going to be hard to say goodbye when that time comes, until then I'm living in each moment.
Keep being amazing, always share your testimony through your actions and love for others.
I love you all have a great week!
Sister Burningham
Sister Burningham, Sydney Ramey, Sister Bedke

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