"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Elder Zach Beckman
01/20/2014 10:24 AM
Hey Guys!! Well hello everyone this week has been crazy!!!! so much happens that time is just flying by I can't tell ya how fast time is going!!! Well this week we had a zone meeting where I had to give a 20 min training on how to teach with members more effectively but I had to give it to 4 different groups so that was fun ha ha but we have a way fun zone I love everyone in it except the sisters kinda suck ha ha ha they just put up zeros all the time so we don't know what to do with them except encourage them to do better but it will be alright! Next we had a baptism this Saturday with a girl named Myozhane" ha ha yes.... she is black and she is 9 years old and her two older siblings were just baptized eariler this last year!!! But they are a sweet family but they live in a sketchy area though we are actually not allowed to tract there because I guess some missionaries got beat up or somthing ha ha but it's ok I think the Lord will be on our side
So what else??/ hmm well we went to this place called the Spaghetti Warehouse in Downtown Dayton with this sick Recent Convert named Paige. She is 21 and takes the missionaries there every Wednesday and it was so fun! It is like a way nice hipster resturante and its super cheap too!!! Well not much has happened this week so I will let you all go now so you can get back to what ever it is that you do!!! I love you all and hope you have a great week love ya!!!
LOVE Elder Beckman
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:59
Hey everyone!!! how are you all doing?? I am doing great this week has been so much fun and we have been able to do so much fun stuff and get alot of work done also!!! But it has been kind of hard being a zone leader when your Zone struggles ha ha ha it makes you look bad when all of the sisters put up Zeros and the other elders struggle too so ya we are trying to motivate them all to do better and who knows what were gonna do with the sisters ha ha but ya I will keep you posted on how that all goes!!! Well something that was way sweet this week was we went to a Masonic Temple in downtown Dayton!!! It was so sick! This guy in our mission presidency is way high up in the masons and the Knights Templar and stuff like that so he took us on a tour of their temple!!! It was so sweet to go in there and see all of the stuff like holy cow my mind was blown!!! But it is insane how much that temple is like our temples today!! The only thing he said was different was we have the Priesthood!!! and when I say everything I mean everything!!! But the guys name is Pres. Lochinger he is this way rich guy who was baptized like 10 years ago but he is so sweet he has a $30,000 dollar Gold Rolex he wears and he has a plane he takes to zone conferences in far a way places and stuff but he is way sweet I love him but ya that was way fun he took us out to lunch that day and talked about the church and what not and man it was a good time!! Next thing was this week me and Elder Barnett were able to find 15 NEW INVESTIGATORS!!! That was so sweet!! I love going out and finding new people to teach!!! But it was sweet we basically said this week we are going to kill it and we prayed that God would send us a miracle and sure enough he did!!! We found 3 families and 2 random people!!! It was so sweet and they would have all come to church but our church was canceled!!! Because of a little snow!!! Can you believe that?? Holy cow I was so chapped but they are all sweet ha ha and 12 of the 15 are black families too! So it is a ton of fun to go over there and teach them!!! Well ya that is my week if you have any questions for me you should probably write me and ask ha ha!! But ya I love being a missionary it is the best thing in the world I would not change it for anything!!!
Well I love you all
Elder Beckman
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