"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Elder Dallin Stout
Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 2:08 PM
A new mission President!
President Castro's last day was on Thursday and President Felix got here on Friday. I haven't met him yet and I'm not sure when I will. Here is a quick summary of how our week went.
Debrist (a less active) called and asked us to do service for her. So we went to the house and spent our time digging up and clearing weeds from the side of her house. Later we met with Brother Nolan for a short lesson and shared stories from the Book Of Mormon. We had dinner with the Hawkins (less active) and later went to see our investigators, the Goyeneche family.
We had lunch with Jackie Pollock, (former investigator) she was very nice and we were able to have a good lesson with her. We met with Bob (investigator) he has had a hard time understanding the Book Of Mormon and found on the internet a "plain english" version of the Book Of Mormon and has been reading that. We taught him about Joseph Smith and why the Book Of Mormon is important. We had dinner with the Gonzales's and discussed favorite hymns that they could sing when in moments of temptation to bring the spirit. We had another dinner appointment with Debrist, we gave her a blessing before she goes into foot surgery.
We were able to see Richard Perry (investigator) and catch up with him after his vacation to Florida. We also had an appointment with Sister Moon (less active) but it fell through since she wasn't home.
We saw the Logans (Less Active LA) and shared a scripture with them. Brother Logan came to church last week so we followed up with him on how it went for him. We had dinner with Brother Brodbeck (LA) who took us out to eat. Then we had a second dinner appointment with the Tao's and after that I felt that I could be rolled around for the rest of the night I was so full!
We went to see Debrist, her surgery went well but she has to stay off her foot for a few weeks. Later that night we saw the Goyeneche's and shared a Mormon message with them. Its called "lessons I learned as a boy" it brought the spirit very well and we had a good lesson with them.
Elder Stout
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