Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me
"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Elder Dallin Stout

December 29, 2014

 So our P- day was shortened to 2 pm because of all the meetings we had this week.  Tuesday we had a Christmas devotional in Goleta,  President showed us part of "The Polar Express" and at the end we brainstormed similarities to the movie and the Gospel.  It was really cool!!  I don't think I'll ever watch "The Polar Express" the same way again!  We also had a huge talent show, one of my favorite acts were the assistants. They wrote a poem like "The Night Before Christmas," but they made it about all the rumors that we hear about the AP's.  Part of it went like this: "They are all robots, every one the same.  For fun they correct each other, what a sick game! They drink spinach and oat smoothies and they get more pay. They each have a car, a Frontier, a Corolla, and a Mazaratti."  Another talent was Sister Hurley.  She did a stand up comedy act for us. Her parents are professional clowns, she is a Pro entertainer and Pro at animal balloons!  We also played a game, everyone had a baby picture on the wall and we had to guess who was who on a piece of paper. I couldn't find myself until Sister Felix read off the results and which picture was mine!  We caroled to Jim Scott and gave him a Christmas present. It was a video camera that we got at Robin's house when she was getting rid of all her stuff. We caroled to a lot of members and investigators with other missionaries in their areas. Christmas morning was great!!!  We opened our packages and went to district meeting.  We had a district gift exchange that was great!!  I got a cool California T- Shirt from Elder Mulford.  We took Brother Thomassen and Sister Young to a lesson with Ella.  We read Ether 12 with her and committed her to start Reading the Book Of Mormon  a little each day from the beginning.  Rene, (her 9 yr old), was quietly playing mine craft on her Mom's phone the whole time and listening.  It was the most well behaved I have ever seen her, and the most focused lesson we have had!  We also saw the Topete's and taught about missionary work.  They also came to church!  They have been on a good roll with that and are getting more active!  Shiloh told us she wants to move her baptismal date back, but we haven't met with her yet and talked about it. 
     Elder Robinson and I are still doing great with each other and the work in our side of the ward. His parents sent me a gift. It was a pair of leather work gloves and a card! :) 
     I love doing missionary work it brings me great joy!  I love the Lord and absolutely know that He is good and loves us all.  I know that He is patient with us and we need to be patient with ourselves to be able to grow and allow Him to change us. 
     We did service with Brother Campbell at the Hawkins.  We shoveled a giant pile of dirt into a hole where a giant stump used to be.  We also helped a guy, named Rob, clean up his back yard and clean his fish pool.  It was my job to catch the fish with a net a keep them in a small bucket of water.  Elder Robinson told me he would give me a big hi- five if I caught a fish with my hands.  So I set out doing it, and it was hard!!  But I eventually got a big goldfish with my hands and set him with the others!  Rob later got us lunch and we found out that he works with Brother Winchell and is close with the family!
Happy New Year! 
Elder Stout

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