Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me
"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Elder Dallin Tracy

 December 21, 2014 at 8:22:00 PM

Malipayon nga pasko!!  I hope everyone is having a great holiday season, cuz I am haha!! even though it doesn't even feel like Christmas, its ok!!  So, I just wanna start by saying these mini scriptures are the bomb and literally ever person that has seen them has asked if they can get one!!  So if its ok, could you send even more haah... if not, it's ok!!  I can tell them I can't, so it's totatally up to you....!!  Ya, this week has been a pretty good one!  We did go down to Iloilo again for trainers and trainnes meeting and it was good!!   We learned some things that can help us! and ya, I got to see all my MTC batch so that was great!!  I've missed them!  We all did really bond for those six weeks!!  It's crazy that I'm already half way done with training!! haha!!  It feels like 2 weeks.

Are you going to be able to skype?
Yes, haha
Do you know what day and time you will be calling us?
10am my time on 26th and so 7pm on the 25th for you guys
How is the language?
It's coming!  When we went to Iloilo they speak Ilongo and I noticed I understood a lot and actually could hold my own, and I can communicate ok, but in kayr-a, it's still a little harder, but its coming. Down in Iloilo another trainer complemented me on my language and how far I am already, so that was good to hear!
Where there changes in your apartment with transfers?
Well, Elder Chapman had (house mate) had some big changes this week.  He is a turn around trainer.   After 12 weeks, he's training and he was made district leader, but those were the only changes in my house, but in the Antique zone there was lot, like half the zone is new, and I mean new!!  5 people are training and 2 others are still in training!
Did you get another key made so you don't have to break into your house?
Hahaha!! Ya, we got a new key, so that's nice.  We don't have to break in now, Haha!!
Update on the investigators??
Gaberil- so he's gonna be out of town now on the 31, so we just moved him to the 3 of January, but he's a sure baptism, and he's really changed and grown so much in the past couple weeks!  I'm so excited for that!!
James- :( so James has got me worried, cuz he hasn't been to church for 3 weeks, and every Saturday he says hes gonna be there.  And he bails on us every time we try and visit him, so we really don't know whats going on, but we are really trying for him, so we will see what happens!
Rodrick- this week has been awesome with Rodrick!!  So we taught him on Saturday and he really opened up to us, and he told us some things that happened in his childhood.  He's been holding them in his whole life, so we really had a super strong and powerful lesson!  And he said he really wants to join our church, and then he came to church on Sunday!!!  Which was awesome!!  The only problem is his work, so getting 4 weeks in a row is gonna be hard, but if we can, he will probably be baptized!!
Robert- we were actually able to meet with him and we recommitted him to February15th, just because the only problem is, his dad doesn't want him to be baptized, so we need to talk to his dad and help him let him get baptized
Any new ones?  We have a lot of people that are just in lesson 1 but look really good and promising, so we just need to keep going, but we did have a lot of success of just tracking and finding people this week, so that was great!!
Baptism dates?  No
Did you get the 2nd Christmas package yet?  Not yet.  But I'm looking for it...when you send it, can you track it, or is just a waiting game? 
High-   Getting to see my MTC batch this week at the trainers meeting in Iloilo
          Low- James!

That's kinda cool she talked about goal setting, cuz in training we learned about planning and goals  and why they are super important!  I really enjoyed it!  The work is pretty easy here we can find people pretty easy, the hardest problem is the branch!!  Like they have no budget, so we are paying for a lot of the party and events, which makes things a little more difficult, cuz I'm already low on money for this month cuz of all the trips to Iloilo, and now we have to pay some for the branch Christmas party...but its ok!   I'm excited for it!!  It is on Christmas Eve!!  It should be a good time.  And the branch presidency has no unity, which makes it hard, but we are really try to improve it! 

Iloilo is pretty cool though we got to go to SM and Robinson, which is like the biggest mall here, and they are big!!  They even have a lot of American stores, but they are American prices, haha so super expensive! 

I'd have to say the best part of tracking at night is that old lady's just set up a little charcoal grill and sell bbq (blood,intestines,pig) it is sooo good!!  And super cheap haha !!

I think that's about it!  Love you and miss you all!!  Can't wait to see ya!! sa pasko!! Tell the Tracy family I love them and miss them! 
         Elder Dallin Tracy

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