"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Elder McKay Richins
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know if you got my letter but ya my P-Days are Saturday in the MTC so just expect to hear from me then. We can now email! Thank you for the packages and the letter. You have no idea how much that meant to me especially because I was going through such a rough time at the beginning. It was so weird because I would have such amazing experiences one minute and then be devastated the next minute because I thought about you guys back at home. I have been on my knees so much that they are sore and are bruising. But it has helped a lot. Getting your packages and letters erased those messages from my mind that I couldn't do this... Why am I here?... so I can do this! I have a family back home who cares about me and I just felt the love. THANK YOU and I know Heavenly Father really is listening to my prayers. But just some key points to this week... There is so many things to learn in so little time. It is crazy how deep into the doctrine we get here and its mind blowing. We have been digging deep into prayer lately and I now know why we pray. It is to become one with God's will. Also huge news.... Me and my comp Elder Worthen have become the new Zone Leaders for our Zone until we leave. Oh my goodness.... this is crazy. There are so many responsiblilites to do. It has been stressful but really a blessing to be trusted by the Lord to do this even though it is only for the rest of my MTC time. So I am in charge of about 6 districts of about 6 to 8 missionaries each. That is nuts mom! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!! And another big thing is that we already have to be teaching an Investigator role played by a teacher who they met on their mission and they critique us after every lesson so it is very intimidating but I think our first lesson we taught was pretty good. We have another lesson to teach today around 1 so wish us luck! Also sorry... I forgot my camera back at the room :/ so I will remember to send pictures next week I promise! Anyways thank you again for the packages. I am eating like a king! Also a couple things I need... I got in trouble because I didn't have my immunization record so I need you to send that to me ASAP! I also need more hangars... and lint rollers... and MY PATRIARCHAL BLESSING! AND MY RING! so please and thank you :) I miss you guys like crazy and know that I think about you everyday but I am doing a lot better and I am starting to realize my purpose as a missionary and it is awesome to feel that and have confidence every time I go to class although classes take up 10 hours of my 16 hour day... and it also sucks because we have to wake up at 6 instead of 6:30 because our breakfast is at 6:45 and we have class at 7:15. So that kinda blows. Anyways I love you so much and can't wait to hear from you again! I hope this was a good letter... sorry there isn't really much to say in the MTC... And I don't know if I told you but I talked to Ford because I got moved to the New Wyview campus so I got to see him a couple times and talk to him. It was great. Anyways have a good safe week and I love you all! ALSO P.S... My flight is August the 19th at like 9:15 or something like that so be expecting an EARLY phone call. If I get to call you.. I hope. They haven't told me. Okay now I am done. Thanks for everything Mom! Love you!
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