Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me
"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Elder Zach Beckman

Mon, 6 Oct 2014 13:45

Elder Beckman Update!!

Hey everyone!!! This week was just a crazy week for me and Elder Christensen!   We had like zero time to spend in our own area this week so it was a really fast week for us.  It feels like just yesterday we talked to you guys!!  But it was filled with so many fun things and just a lot of fun things to do!

So this Tuesday was Interviews with president and it was so LONG!!  We were there from 8 am to 4pm doing teaching role plays and area book and planner checks and holy cow!!!  It just took for ever!!  But it was really fun because we got to be around the Porters all day and that was really fun!  But after it was all over, it was time for dinner and so me and Elder Christensen decided that we wanted to go out to Chilis for dinner and so we went there and had ourselves a nice meal to end off the long process of interviews!!!

Next was Thursday!  We helped a guy move out of our ward and he is moving to Utah!!  But it was so ridiculous it started at 10 am, so the only people available to help move was all the high priests and then the missionaries.... so the high priests in our ward are like super old like the guys who walk in with walkers and canes and stuff, so at the move it was 6 missionaries and 6 old guys.  But it was basically us moving this really rich guy out of his house all day!!  I think it took like 4+ hours to do it all, but I remember moving this huge couch up to the garage and after finally getting in there we went back for more stuff and then we come back and all 6 of the high priests are just sitting on the couch half asleep and I just laughed to myself because I don't know why they even came ha ha ha!!!  But ya, that shot like half of our day and so we had to make the rest of the day really effective!!

Next was Friday and we had Mission Leadership Council... that was a hoot as always.  That is where president talks to us all and what he wants us to really work with our missionaries on.  But it was really fun!!  So president pulled me and Elder Christensen aside with two other sets of sisters and told us to prepare a presentation for a new music rule in the mission and we had like 15 mins to prepare it ha ha ha!!   But it was so funny because I thought we were all going to get up and present it, but instead president asked who was going to be the person who presented it and they all pointed to me.  So I had to stand up in front of everyone and say why we should have a new music rule in the mission ha ha ha ha!!!  It was so scary, but super good at the same time.  I must say I did a pretty good job!  But everyone but this one sister agreed with me, but because she disagreed we could not pass the new rule!!  So ya, she basically messed up the whole mission!!  But it's okay, because I am not dying yet about the music, so I will survive!!

And then lastly, it was the Time of year of GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!

What a great week it was!! Hope all is going well with everyone. please don't be a stranger and not write me from time to time!!  I love more than anything to hear updates of peoples lives on Mondays!!!
~Keep Smiling~

Elder Beckman

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