This last week was awesome!!! We had several good lessons and we set two baptism dates! Angela and Casey. Angela was invited by her neighbors to hear the discussions in their home, and it's been going really well! Casey is married to a member and has just now started to show interest and is progressing very fast! The Lord has truly placed prepared people in our path. Both of them are preparing to be baptized on May 25th. We play soccer with Casey and some of the ward members on Thursday nights and it's helped him get to know a lot more of the people and feel much more comfortable at church. This last Sunday he wasn't at church, and we were pretty bummed about it. I knew he would feel pretty bad about it though. In one of the lessons we taught him I told him about when I swam in a swim meet on Sunday. I told him how important the swim meet was to me, and how rare of a chance this one was. It was the Clovis California Swim Meet. I told him how bad I did in my race on Sunday and how I just couldn't stop thinking that I wasn't keeping the Sabbath day holy. He had a very similar experience when he missed church and went to play in his men’s league soccer. It was a really good team and they needed him. It turned out to be the worst game they had ever had. He got stomped by a cleat on his ankle, and he said he felt super guilty and sad the whole time. Needless to say, he got his answer about whether to do soccer or church on Sundays. Transfers are tomorrow, and I'll be staying in this same area. I'm very glad I'll be staying. We've worked so hard to get this area going, and it has really started to pick up. We'll also be getting another Elder in our companionship. We'll be in a trio!!!! This Elder will be waiting on a Visa to go to Brazil. We're very excited to have another Elder and be able to go on splits a lot easier and teach more people that way.
The Popes are doing well, and we're continuing to look out for service that we can do for them. We helped them put in a garden a few days ago. They are such nice people and help us feel at home. Their dogs also make for great entertainment right before bed.
I'm very very grateful for the opportunity and responsibility I have being a Missionary, and a representative of Jesus Christ. I know this Gospel is true, and it has been repeatedly confirmed to me every day on my Mission. I have a Testimony of the Atonement. I know that Christ made that ultimate sacrifice for every one of our Heavenly Father's children. I have a testimony of Prayer. I know that when I'm prayerful and diligent in following the promptings and answers I receive from Heavenly Father I become a better tool in our Fathers hand. I have a Testimony of "opening our mouths",(D&C 33:8-10, D&C 60:2-3) I know that when I have the faith to open my mouth and trust in the Lord, it is filled with His words. This Gospel is for everyone. Everyone on this Earth was a "yes" sayer in the Pre-Mortal world. They can be "yes" sayers again in this World. I know that I'll be with my family forever. I know that it is only through this Gospel that we can have everlasting joy. I know that I have been called by a Prophet of God to serve in my specific area. Even though the chili here doesn't seem to agree with me, I'll continue to do my best, and improve each day so that I may better serve my fellow men, and therefore, serve my God.
I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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