"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Elder Dallin Stout
Monday, January 6th
This week was great, I had the most random experience ever! Elder Driggs's bike broke as we were riding, we stopped on the side of the road to fix it. As we were waiting for a member to come pick us up a huge green and glittered Hummer Limousine drove by us in the neighborhood! It had 8 wheels, I wish I could get a picture of it. That same day we met a Nun named Myra. We talked to her for a while and gave her a Book of Mormon and she happily took it. A recent convert of ours Eddie had 2 high school friends at his home. They were both wrestlers and tried to get me to go a round with them. We managed to change the subject and one of them asked how are church came to be. We taught them the Restoration lesson, during the lesson one of them would make jokes or distract from the spirit. By the end when we bore testimony we could see their countenance change; I love to see how the spirit can work on people. On Thursday I went on splits with Elder Bate. We taught a lot of people on the street, one man named Thomas was in his garage in a wheel chair. We started talking to him and he told us all about his injuries and how he got them. In the middle of this I noticed that he had pornography inside of his garage. I received a spiritual prompting to listen closely to what Thomas was saying. I did all I could to focus on him and block out everything else including a TV. He started to pour out his soul to us about his past. I promised him that the message we had to share with him would change and bless his life. We told him about the plan of salvation, and gave him a Book of Mormon. We prayed and he thanked us for helping him feel better. I am thankful for the Holy Ghost and how much of an impact he has in this work of salvation.
Monday, January 13th
So when I came on a mission I was hoping to get away from the BYU-U rivalry. Well my Bishop is a die hard Utah fan. The ones that yell at the referees on the TV even when there team is winning. Ya he's awesome and reminds me of some family members back home... (you know who you are!) But most members are BYU fans so that's good.
There is a member in the stake who is related to Hosea Stout, I'm not sure if I have a relation but that would be cool to find out.
We got our transfer calls this morning, Elder Driggs is getting transferred to Pasa Robles which is at the very top of the mission. I am staying here at the bottom of the mission. He will have a 3 hour drive tomorrow. My new companion is Elder Collard.
So this week has been awesome, we found a new investigator named Kevin. We talked to him on the street, he told us about how he had a rough past and has now come back to church. He is Catholic and has allowed us to come back. We taught Erik the Plan of Salvation, we committed him to reading the Book of Mormon daily, and set him with a Baptismal date for the 8th of March. We had a lesson with Madeline, she seems to find excuses why she can't come to church that are not really reasons. She won't commit to a date either because she is cleaning out storage or something. Hopefully we can find out her real concern. We had 2 funerals this week in the ward, the first was Bro Facral. We had district meeting during the service so we got there afterwards during the lunch. Most of the family were members there so we got to talk with them. The other funeral was on Saturday for Sister Crowley. The service was at most 20 minutes so it was the shortest I've ever seen. We got to talk to the family who was mostly non members and less active. One woman said she was looking for spiritual guidance so we gave her a Book Of Mormon.
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