"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Elder Justin Thiel
This week was another pretty hard week numbers wise. We had a lot of our appointments fall through, but we did end up meeting an awesome guy named Chris. We met him on the street and he was on his way back from buying some beer, but we stopped and talked to him anyway. He set an appointment with us and initially he missed his appointment, but we caught him on the street again and set another appointment and he kept this one. We taught him about the Restoration of the gospel and he really felt the spirit. We invited him to be baptized and he had never been baptized before so he was willing to set that as a goal. It was a super cool miracle! He didn't end up coming to church this week because he hurt his arm at work, but he said that he would come to church this week. We are seeing him again on Tuesday.
We had another experience with a man named Walter. We called him on the phone because he had met with us before and he didn't want to meet with us at first. He said that he read most of 1st Nephi in the Book of Mormon and said that it was really boring, because he said that he had heard the message of repentance already in his life multiple times. I ended up persuading him over the phone to let us come talk to him again, using parts of the plan of salvation to convince him. When we met, we taught the Plan of Salvation. He didn't seem very interested in what we were saying. When we taught about the kingdoms of glory, he said that he would most likely go to the teletial kingdom, and he said that this was okay with him. He has a very negative personality, kind of like Eore from Winnie the Pooh. We are still working with him..
We didn't get to see Lee this week because he went out of town, but we are seeing him on Tuesday.
We ate dinner at a member's home and the member's name is Brother Burch. He is a co partner in a security business. He is a really cool guy who served a mission 10 years ago. He has a young family and work is what brought him out here. He fed us a home made, Cafe Rio. and it was super good! He said it was a treat for me because all Utah missionaries apparently always miss that while on their missions. He said that I could work for him after my mission, but I would have to move out there with him to help him with his work out there, and I don't know if I want to live out here, haha!! He went out teaching with us after dinner, and we taught Sona and one of his friends that happened to be there with him, that was studying to be a Jehovah's Witness. We have to save him!!! haha!! Our lesson was awesome and that member really taught me some good resources for teaching. He served in Brazil and while he was there, it was the highest baptizing mission in the world. He said that he would teach me how to do that here.
I am still a 34 waist. Chocolate cookies would work for me. Thanks!!!
I might have a member order me T-25, Shaun T's new work out program, for me to do in the morning using the birthday money that I got. It's a workout that is only 25 minutes long, perfect for a missionaries morning schedule!
I'm sorry to hear about the hardships that Matt is going through. Tell him that he needs to drink more water. Also he should be taking protein once or twice a day to help him recover from everything that he is doing. He could also start taking some amino acids to help him. Also if he is doing all that, make sure that he is stretching all his muscle groups everyday! If you need so ideas for some stretches for him to do, look some up. He should be doing them everynight and right before he works out. Those are some things that might help him.
Elder Thiel
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