"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Elder Justin Thiel
You'll just have to send the contacts to the mission address because I don't know the address to my apartment and my companion doesn't know it either.. This week was pretty good. We had a lot of our appointments fall through but the Cottman family is still getting baptized this week so we will have 6 baptisms on Saturday!! My bike tire popped again this week so I had to go get a new tire. We got a member to take us to the bike shop and the member took us out to lunch too, so that was really nice of them. My new tire is an aggressive road tire. (it just looks like a mix between a mountain and road tire) It rides a lot nicer now.
We had a very powerful lesson with a less active this week. The less active was a 15 year old boy and we talked about the last week of the Savior's life. He broke down in tears at the end of the lesson and excused himself. when he came back (because we ate dinner with them too), Elder Hunsicker asked him about his baptism and he said that he felt clean and warm that day and today was the first time that he had felt that since. It was a really powerful moment for all of us.
We didn't have to bike as much this week as in past weeks. We had a man come to church this week who is awesome. His name is Tavorious and he is ready for the gospel. Elder Hunsicker was teaching him before I got here. He has quit smoking now and when we told him about he law of chastity, he went home that night and told his girl friend that things had to change. He found a separate place to live so that he can get baptized. His girlfriend and him want to get married in July, so they did this until they can. That guy has some dedication! He also came to church with us on Sunday and he said that he loved it!
I'm really enjoying it here so far. This week we found a brown recluse spider in our apartment. The brown recluse is a cousin of the Hobo spider and is just as dangerous (its bite does the same thing). It's called the recluse because it likes to hide and not be found, so they like to hide in cloths and bookshelves. They're really fast but we killed it without a problem.
I listened to an awesome talk this week by Jeffery R. Holland, and it was based around one scripture, Luke 17:32. I want you to look it up and tell me what you think it means.
I'm glad to hear that grandpa is getting better and that everyone is excited for school getting out. The schools here got out last week. I don't know how I will find the eye doctors place, so I can get a new prescription. I might try to plug the name into my GPS and find the nearest one. If you can, see if there is one in Warner Robins or in Macon. What did the letter from Sister Applegate say? I'm curious, but if you can't tell me that is fine. I'm glad that things are looking up for all of you!
I hope that you all have a great week!
Elder Thiel
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