"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Elder Justin Thiel
So I found out on Saturday that we will be loosing our car and that this area is becoming a bike area this week.. I have a bike. I got one that an elder left behind so in that way I'm good. It needs some new tires though. This is going to force the ward to have to take action though, and I think that is why the Lord took away the car. Most of the people we see live 15 miles away and can't be reached by bike because you have to use a high-way to get there, so members are going to have to take us there. Me and the other missionaries are going to teach the combined 5th Sunday lesson and its going to be on missionary work. We are going to talk about some things as well as teach them how to teach the first lesson and how they can approach their friends with this kind of stuff without it being threatening.
This week we had some interesting things happen. I felt that we needed to go to Walmart. So we did. I wanted to get an I-tunes gift card so that I could get some music that I can listen to on the mission because I have none, (that's why I wanted the I-tunes info). So we went to get one and I couldn't decide on how much I should get. So we to some other things and I grabbed on in the front of the store and we were going through the self checkout. I realized that you have to go through a line to by an I-tunes gift card, so I went to a line that was a little longer than the rest. My companion wanted me to go to one that was shorter, but I felt like we should stay in this line. A man got in line behind us and started talking to us. He knew who we were and asked how long we had been out. He then told us that he had just moved here and had talked to elders in the past. He said that he is a Baptist that is looking for the truth. He said that we had been on his mind for a long time and that he wanted us to come to his house and talk to him. So we got his info down. We saw him this week too, and he's really cool. He is a little set in his ways but I feel that the spirit will work on him. He said that if he is wrong that he wants God to correct him. We had some other experiences just like that this week where we were lead by God to people who we wouldn't of found on our own. Referals from the Lord are the best!
These next weeks are going to be the make or break-point for this area. We are going to try our hardest to make the most of what we have been given. I have a feeling that the Lord is going to take care of the rest. The Lord is trying to work hard with this ward to bring it back to what it once was and we are going to help it get there.
I hope that you all have a great week!
Elder Thiel
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