"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Elder Justin Thiel
This week was a little interesting. On Monday I got that package that you sent me with the Easter stuff inside. I also got the bread. I shared it with the missionaries in Albany and at first it tasted amazing but.. pretty soon we all got a vile taste in our mouths and we realized that it must have gone bad. Luckily none of us got sick. Next time that you want to send food to me we're going to have to have you send it to my actual address so it gets to me fast enough. Also that day I got a cramp in my leg so I stood up really fast and pulled my inner quad on both legs. As soon as I stood up, it felt like both my legs were on fire. It hurt so bad.. so I couldn't walk all of Monday let alone bike.
On Tuesday we had a great day though. We taught some of our investigators and we put 2 people on date for baptism. On Wednesday, my companion got sick so we didn't go too far! We helped with a church tour though. Thursday we taught some more people and we put 2 more people on date for baptism so we are excited for that. Friday was my companion's birthday and we also had Zone Conference that day. The zone conference was 2 hours away and we couldn't get any of the members to give us a ride because of the time it was at so what happened was the zone leaders took us there and the AP's took us home. The drive as well as the conference took up the entire day so we didn't get anything done on that day. We had a ward Easter party on Saturday and we had an investigator show up to that so we were happy. They served us chicken that was pretty good and we spent some of the time playing with the little children of the ward in the nursery. At the end of the party one of the kids jumped on my back ( these kids were a little older) so I started running with him on my back and pretty soon all the kids wanted a turn.. that night the sisters doorbell ditched us and left us some Easter baskets. In the Easter basket they gave us some treats and such but there were also some hair ties because of a little game that I started. A short while ago one of the sisters hair ties fell into my possession, so I shot it at one of them and the only natural thing to do at that point was to shoot it back! So that's what she did and now it's a little game. The game is to shoot the other person when they aren't expecting it. It's pretty fun. On Sunday we had church and one of the sister missionaries investigators came that was a male so we took him around with us. After church one of the members invited us over to their house for an Easter lunch. They fed us ham, bread, mashed potatoes, and green beans and it was delicious. After that they gave each of us a Easter basket with treats, a puzzle and other fun stuff like that so it was really great. We had dinner with our ward mission leader that night as well and the meal we had there was equally divine. We had turkey, rolls, potatoes, and some blueberry cobbler for dessert. Our Easter was great and we we're really taken care of.
That was the majority of my week. That's great to hear about the anniversary. 24 years is a long time. Our lesson this week in Sunday School was on eternal marriage. I am determined to get married in the temple now and I hope that I can have a marriage someday that is as strong as you and dads.
I hope that you all have a great week and that everything calms down for you. I love all of you!
Elder Thiel
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