"Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Luke 16:15
Come Follow Me

"And he saith unto them, "Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) As the New Year begins, we, the members of the Willow Wood Ward, invite you to Come and Follow Him!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Elder Dallin Stout
We have been working with Mary to get her ready for Baptizm on the 26th. Her interview was on Friday and she passed! Her son John will Baptize her and she has been increasing in her desire for this.
This week we have sung the song "Mary did you know" (with the guitar that our ward mission leader is letting us borow.) to our potential investigators and people on the street that we run into.(We have sang this song like 20 times at least for EVERYONE!) It is a great finding tool, we have had several great experiences by doing this and it is opening doorways in peoples lives for us to be a positive influence for them. On Friday was the ward Christmas party. We had several investigators attend and they all enjoyed it a lot. Elder Driggs, Jason Anderson and I sang "Far far away on Judeas Plains" as the opening performance. The ward did a great job at welcoming all the non/less active members and we met people that they had brought. In one situation there was this young man named Bow who is a home less hitch hiker who we were able to place a Book of Mormon with and testify of it.
ext Sunday an old investigator who just came back from Utah Valley University, is getting baptized! His name is Kevin, he has been living with return missionaries at school and he has been waiting until now to get baptized into this ward.
Elder Stout
This is a post script to Elder Stout's letter....Mary was baptized on December 26th and her son John baptized her. Please see the delightful picture just received of this joyful occasion below:
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